Updated 02/10/2025
Fire Sale! See the Fire-Damaged Trees OR the LOTS pages!
Some Premium Trees are in stock.
Several sawdust burners in stock.
Still working out the design on the Rader Chip Loader.
Conveyor Belt page on hold for a day until I fix my obvious mistake!
I'm no longer the only one working here. There are four part-time helpers. That is essential and I'm working on Coastmans almost full-time now.
We have a new type of fir tree. See photos and a link below.

Introducing "FiberTree"! This model tree is made from the sequential addition of individual fibers to create the armature. The overall presentation is different than from the other fir trees I have had for years now (e.g. Craftsman & Premium Trees). I would step so far as to say they represent somewhat of a Pine tree; perhaps a fir or pine as one would see in a climate drier than where I reside (west coast US). The flared bases suggest a Cedar trunk, so we need to further determine where we are going with this. But it is a development, and I must report it.
The images above depict the first-run trees, which were made upon our most basic trunk, the bamboo "second growth" trunks (quite narrow at 3/16" at the base). We have graduated to producing these on the cedar-material trunks. We like the flared bases and will continue with that, though it does add some to the production cost. I may request to step down the diameters somewhat, to escape the cedar trunk appearance, heading into pine territory. We are not at Poderosa yet. I continue to ponder the possibilities.
Fibertrees are relatively easy to make, and I am in the stages of producing a video so you can do it yourself. However, much research time was devoted to determining the optimal fiber length, weight (material), shape, adhesives used, and other parameters. I caution you that experimenting with this methodology is habit-forming, and you may not be home for dinner in time.
I will soon be adding a page so that you can further review and purchase these trees, and that link will be (click here). These trees work great in HO and N as detailed models. Also to be available without the green component, Fibertrees are making some of the most amazing, detailed snag trees we have yet seen. Realistic N-scale snag trees have already been requested and shipped to satisfied customers.
Stay tuned for more exciting developments!
Inquire with Treemaker Rog:

I was surprised when the pointing lines didn't need repositioning!
They work for both the N and HO scale photos!
Both N and HO Scale Loaders are in stock!
psst...don't miss these goodies!

Price Drop!

Note there are THREE SIZES of Sawdust Burners available.
100% (HO), 80%, and 70% ("almost N").
Some are READY to ship. I can make you one in about 7 days.

Drain, Oregon, 5/2022

Roger's self-portrait

Model Fir Trees
Model fir trees are my specialty. At the core of every tree is a unique wooden armature to represent the thin, tapering shape of a real fir tree trunk. For Doug Fir, Red Cedar, Hemlock, Pine, or just a generalized “mountain fir tree”, this is the starting point.
Bring on the green foliage! Modelers have successfully used asparagus fern, Caspia, and furnace filter. However, in my quest to make this easier, yet still offer appreciable results, I developed Green Branches Foliage Material - a specific combination of layered, matted plant fibers and finely processed, dried-&-dyed cedar sawdust, held fast with PVA (aka “white glue”). This material is soft enough to be easily pulled apart and positioned on the trunk, yet stiff enough to maintain the imparted shapes added to it. Still handmade to this day in “sheets”, Green Branches Foliage is like no other in the model scenery industry. And as a consequence of using natural materials from real trees, it just turns out that these model trees are about 95% “real tree”!
Despite their “Western US" appearance, Coastmans fir trees are coveted by modelers everywhere who desire an older forest look. I have trees ranging in size from 6 inches on up. If you are looking for mountainous fir trees, you may have found the place.
Since 2010, I have produced fir tree models and kits by hand at the "near-commercial" level. I’ve been continually learning how to make trees since first experimenting with scrubber pads and skewer sticks in 1999!
-Roger Rasmussen, Owner, TreeMaker
Scenery Details
Scenery details bring it all the together as a forest, and Coastmans strives to create them. Here you will find such unique items as Hollow Logs, Bird's Nests, Forest Floor, and StumpStuff, a conglomeration of natural materials collected outdoors All of the products are gathered or made here from natural materials. Some are left in their natural state after drying, or "dyed and dried" with only alkaline dyes; we never use solvents.

Industrial Details
I now offer small industrial details in both 3D printed versions and casted alloy. These include items ranging from simple shipping pallets to complex HO scale engine parts. Big on the list is a series of automotive parts in HO.
We have been producing 3D-printed parts for HO and S scale models since 2019, but are now excited to be moving toward a limited-run capacity for model kits!

The oregon coast railroad

A semi-ficticious route, the Oregon Coast Railroad is derived from the SP Tillamook Branch formerly connecting that part of the Oregon Coast with the rest of the USA. Previously operated as the Port of Tillamook Bay Railroad, you'll see elements of that herein. This "giant diorama" is essentially testing grounds for new types trees and details. The OCR is a point -to-point switching layout in HO with an emphasis on unique scenery and scratchbuilding.

Note: In order to offer low-cost items, there is an order minimum of $19.95 USD. Reason: I need to sell multiple small items at once (e.g. scenery details) in order to cover the processing and packaging time for the order. Thanks ahead for your kind understanding!